Welcome to Swahilipro

Trusted by programmers globally

The Swahili programming language aims at making programming more intuitive to swahili speakers.We believe a programmer would be able to solve problems easier if they could reason it out in their native language.Our project aligns with Standard developmet goals (SDG 5: QUALITY EDUCATION)

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Genius Idea!!

The idea from swahilipro foundation is groundbreaking and revolutionary.

— Chief ICT officer,Kiambu county KE.


Writing code in swahili feels like a dream come true.Concepts feel more familiar and easy to grasp.

— Anonymous Student


The idea is fascinating and caters to alot of issues programmers face in Tanzania.Having a swahili programming language is incredible.

— Founder,Silabu Foundation TZ.

Our Team

Boniface Masota

Founder, Lead Developer
Boniface Masota

Godfrey Ngigi

Co-founder, Product Lead
Godfrey Ngigi